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Arugula, Watermelon and Feta Salad

Jen Cole

I have been OBSESSED with this combination of peppery arugula, sweet watermelon and salty feta since spring, but now that it is 1,000 degrees outside, the watermelon makes this combo such a hydrating lunch. There are many recipes out there with different takes on the same concept, but I really like this Ina Garten one. The video above is very similar, but adds rosemary to the dressing. Move over kale, arugula is a super food on another level.....and taste way better in my opinion. Arugula is loaded in Vitamin A, K, C, folate, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Two cups of this salad rocket yields only 8 calories making this nutrient dense green a dieters dream. Not a fan of salads? I often load it on sandwiches or use it as a bed for seafood or meat.

Now back to the salad.......The above recipe can act as a stand alone, lighter lunch, or if you want to add in some more protein to make it a little more substantial, try tossing in 1/4 cup of your favorite nuts or 1/3 cup of quinoa.

You can use whatever feta you would like, but I prefer Trader Joe's Light Feta Cheese. Cheese preference aside, just be sure to store the extra homemade dressing in the appropriate air tight container, because you will for sure want to make this the next day!


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