It's that time of year again.....long walks outside, flowers, and iced coffee!!!!. Spoken like a true addict. I was recently strolling through Nordstrom and decided to make a pit stop at their cafe for a quick pick me up. I noticed a sign for their specialty "Cold Brew Orange Twist Iced Coffee" and thought "when in Rome"! Best. Decision. Ever. It was totally refreshing with a perfect citrus punch to go along with the ice-cold smooth coffee taste. Way better than the standard syrup flavored ice coffees out there. Sweetened with a dab of natural agave nectar and oranges, this is definitely a dietitian approved beverage. I casually mentioned to the barista that I could totally save $3 and make this drink at home. She casually pretended not to hear me.
What you need:
1) Coffee. Duh. I used what I had on hand with my French press. I let it cool for a bit and poured into a caraft full of ice to store for another 48 hours or so. This is also a great way to use up any hot coffee from the am!
2) Orange slices.
3) 1 tbsp. Agave. I used Izzy's organic blue agave.
Shake the coffee, ice, orange slices and agave in a shaker and pour over ice. Drink of the summer? I think so.
Note: This is the perfect drink to enjoy while your toddler pushes you in a hammock.